Sponsors of Hanfparade 2024

The Hanfparade is only possible thanks to financial support from companies and individuals from the hemp scene. Special thanks to our sponsors who pay for most of the demonstration.

In this year it is still possible to be a sponsor! Get into contact with us by eMail info@hanfparade.de alternativly by contact form.

The Hanfparade gives a big “thank you” to:

Platinum Sponsor

Barneys Farm ist Sponsor der Hanfparade

Gold Sponsors:

Grafik Logo von Purpl Scientific

Silver Sponsors:

Logo Grafik des Deutschen Hanfverbands

About Deutscher Hanfverband (German Hemp Assoc.)

The German Hemp Association (DHV) is striving for a legal, consumer-friendly market regulation for the stimulant cannabis – from production to sales under clear youth protection requirements to home cultivation. We want to end the discrimination and persecution of cannabis users. We are also concerned with better conditions for the use of cannabis as medicine.

The DHV was founded in May 2002 by the Soviet Agency (Hanf Journal). There the association was run as an independent department for two years. In October 2004, the Soviet Agency decided to spin off the DHV because it was now able to function independently. Since then, the new owner of the DHV has been the previous managing director Georg Wurth. He now uses his good name to assure that the DHV does not serve personal enrichment, but rather to make progress in hemp policy.

The DHV started as an industry association for companies in the cannabis industry. Since 2006, private supporting members have increasingly been added. Since the beginning of 2020, the DHV has only seen itself as a civil rights movement in the sense of its private members. We have handed over our function as an industry association with services for companies such as consulting, networking and industry-specific lobbying to our partner Cannabis Industry Association. We would like to thank the companies all the more who, even without these services, simply support us for our political work in the interests of legalization.

The political system in Germany is characterized less by direct democracy than by the influence of various lobbyists. The DHV is the logical consequence of this finding.

In order to become even more effective, we need your support!

Bronze sponsors:

Are you interested or have questions about sponsoring? Then get in touch with us!

Foto von der Hanfparade am Brandenburger Tor in 2015

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  1. Pingback: Hanfparade 2021 on August 14th, 2021 in Berlin - Hanfparade

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