english page: Parade - Help be a part

Hanfparade2006 | Help - be a part

Help - be a part

The organisation of an event like the Hanfparade costs much time and money. Nothing works without an uncountable number of smaller or bigger supporters!

Some of them are helping us to become wellknown by spreading posters and flyers. Others are activ as Helping Hands on the Hanfparade day. Only the unsalaried support of many hemp friends makes Germanys biggest demonstration for Hemp as resource, medicine and natural stimulant possible!

If you would like to contribute to a successful Hanfparade, it is best to decide early what you would like to do. You ARE the Hanfparade!

According to how much time and money you would like to spend, there are many things to do:

So you won´t miss any information, subscribe to our newsletter, or take a look at the News-section.

Keep informed and inform others about the Hanfparade!