english page: Parade - Behavior at police checks

Hanfparade2006 | Program | Behavior at police checks

Behavior at police checks

Like in the last years police will have strengthened controls for drugs at the 10th Hanfparade. Please think twice about how much you will bring with you. We cannot protect you against police actions!

Hanfparade2004 - police cars Also police in civil clothes will be on the demonstration again. Therefore pay attention to where and with whom you smoke! The nice gentleman with the upper lip beard is not always a civil policeman, but one never knows!

Please remember, there might be police checks on your way to the Hanfparade or on the way back home especially on motorway rest yards.

Your water pipe may look nice and might be your favourite leisure activity, but you should not bring them to the Hanfparade. Who sits on the meadow, with a Acrylbong size one meter, does not have to be surprised, if the gentlemen in green step by and would like to have a "smell".

Hanfparade2000 - seized hemp plants It sounds sick, but you should not bring hemp plants to the Hanfparade! Be sure, they will be seized faster then you think about it! If you are planning to bring some industrial hemp with you, please tell us! We must announce that at the police.

If our Helping Hands talk to you because of offensive smoking please understand this as a nicely advice. What we see, police also will see! (Contrary to us the police does not like smokers.)

Generally applies:

The possesion of any amount (even a small one) of hashish, marijuana or other cannabis products is illegal in Germany! Public prosecutor's office or the court in certian cases can refrain the prosecution. Our information is that the refrain border in Berlin is round about 10 gram (no guarantee).

Behavior at police checks:

Hanfparade2005 - Looks like it is fun to find something illegal Independently of whether your a fast or a late thinker, whether you sweat at police controls or not, the following behavior with controls applies to all:

You have to tell the police: First and family name, where you life, date and place of your birth. Nothing else! These facts usually are in your document of identification. Police is just asking to see whetter this is your document or not.

Police men have to identify themselfes! The offical service instructons for the police in Berlin requests them to prove themself on demand. Do not let them divert you of this right, "one often hears about cheaters wearing uniform". You should write down their name and office or their identification number (in a way they can see you do this). This will tell them they are under observation and they usually do not try to play tricks on you if they knowing this.

Always refuse any statements! Usefull statements still are usefull later, but you can always harm yourself or others. No statements about the control, no smalltalk, nothing!

Do not sign anything! If you sign something, ask for a copy! Anything they seize from you has to be acknowledged.

No quick testing, no sweat or pee games! Refuse the tests politely because they have a high rate of errors (for example DrugWipe causes errors in 20 percent of the tests). If the police has to have you tested, they have to bring you to an offical doctor and get a blood test (if a quick test turns out to be positive you have to have this blood test anyway). If you refuse quick tests police often do not want to have any blood test, because they believe in "the next guy is an easier victim".

It is always positive for you if you behave polite and friendly. Please insist on the rights above, police usually does not care about them!