english page: Parade - Cildrens land

Hanfparade2006 | Final rally | Childrens land

The Cildrens land

Kinderland Banner

Hemp has many faces, nearly too many to show all of them on just one Hanfparade yearly. We always try to offer you the information in a pleasant entertaining and informig way, but we canĀ“t do this without written information or sometimes complex explanations.

For young visitors this quickly may become boring. For this reason there is a place on the Hanfparade where you can learn all the stuff by playing, and the grown-ups can join the speeches and discussions. This way children can easily learn the various possibilities that hemp can offer.

Basteln im Kinderland

We decided to have a colourful and funny place for kids and their parents and all others who like to play. Children's land offers much to see, feel, hear, to riddle, play with, or to paint. In addition, stressed parents can sit down and have a rest.

Everything is about hemp in the Cildren's land. You will be surprised how many things children can do with hemp.

Maedchen beim malen

The small Hanfparade visitors here can experience how to paint with hemp colours, hot to make hemp paper or how to make small dolls out of hemp. Everybody will have fun with the hemp quiz, sack race, by putting on make up and so on. Moreover there are many small prizes to win.

We also have a changing unit at a silent spot for the smallest hempsters.

Kind beim Schminken

You see - everything is prepared. Bring your youngsters with you, they will have a lot of fun at the Hanfparade, too.

We want you!

You like children? Like to play with them or wanna do make-up and face painting?


Then you are the right person! Please contact us and help to show the world of hemp to the children.

You have questions, ideas or like to help us? Just call us or send an email.