Hanfparade - Demonstration for the Legalization of Cannabis

"Hanf" is German for "hemp"

The Hanfparade is the traditional and german-wide pro-Cannabis march in Germany. Every year in August we gather for the legalisation of Cannabis as resource, medicine and recreational drug.

Hanfparade 2014 flyerOn Saturday, the 9th of August 2014 we will march for the 18th time with the march "Hanfparade" for the long expected change in the policy on Cannabis.

This years motto is

"Green Light For The Legalisation"

This year we meet at 1pm at Washington Plaza, south of the Main Train Station (Hauptbahnhof).
The demo then follows a route to the Brandenburger Gate. At the street of 17th July we will make our political message heard upto 10:00 pm in the evening.

Although registering the demonstration has been the first step, it is still a long way from becoming a colourful and powerful event. Help us make the Hanfparade a success. Help us legalise Cannabis! Support the biggest German demonstration for the legalisation of Hemp as a sponsor, work in the organisation team or spread the word and make the Hanfparade more known in your region.

Whoever is in favour of an end to prohibition and the "war on drugs" or even just wants to get factual info, is hereby called upon to support our demands and enrich the biggest German demonstration for the legalisation of Cannabis with your participation.