
Hanfparade2005 | Final rally | Main Stage

Main Stage

On the main stage we present a wide variety of live-music, information, and political discussion.

Every year we recruite an exclusive blend of new and well-known artists, musicians, politicians and hemp-activists.

Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade2004
Alan Dronkers auf der Hanfparade2001

They all would like to keep you informed about the latest development in hemp politics and research, as well as offer you an entertaining and enjoyable program in the streets of Berlin. Often you can get very useful information about legal issues or new ideas about the almost endless possibilities of usage hemp can offer.

In the last years guests like Hans-Christian Ströbele (Member of the Bundestag), Jan van der Tas (former ambassador of the Netherlands), Cornelia Reinauer (mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, district of Berlin), Andreas Müller (judge at the county court of Bernau), Marko Kuhn (Swiss Hamp Connection, Canntrade.ch), Dana Beal (Cures not wars, USA), Chibo Mertineit (Nimbin Hemp Embassy, Australia), or Ben Dronkers (The Marijuana/Hash Museum, Amsterdam) contributed to the program.

Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade1997
Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade2001

Of course we also have a broad range of musical contribution and all of the artists have their own special way to deal with the issue hemp. For example Götz Widmann explains why "Smoking marihuana causes harmlessness" or Mutabor tell their love story about "Maria Huana".

Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade2003
Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade2000

The musical range is as widely oriented as the hemp-scene is itself. Reggae and HipHop, Punk or Dark Wave, Ska, Singer-Songwriters, Pop, Rock, and even electronic sounds have been presented on the main stage.

Hauptbuehne der Hanfparade2002