
Hanfparade2005 | Program | Bus trips

Bus trips and car lifts

Here you can find offers for trips to the Hanfparade and a list of people looking for car lifts to Berlin.

If you would like to drive with a bus from the list, please answer as soon as possible!

The poeple organizing the busses are always looking for help, so please ask them if you like to support their efford.

List of wanted car lifts

Until now, we don´t have any wanted car lifts. If you are looking for a car lift to Berlin, please send an email and we will put you on the list.

List of bus trips

Until now we don´t have any offers of bus trips to the Hanfparade. If you are organizing a trip to Berlin, please let us know and we will put your offer on the list.

If you never organized a bus trip before, please read our bus trip information.

If you would like to use the rail to come to Berlin, check this page.